72490171Sometimes in the sports world, we are given tragic reminders that it is just a game and that real life is so much more than it.   An example of this was when we learned that Baltimore’s Torrey Smith lost his brother in a motorcycle accident.  As expected, Torrey was devastated and not expected to be anywhere near the field.  The Ravens were scheduled to play the New England Patriots that night on Sunday Night Football.

RIP Tevin

RIP Tevin

Torrey made the tough decision to honor his brother, Tevin, and play in the game.  He was greeted with unbelievable support from everyone including fellow players, teammates, announcers, and fans.  There was even a moment of silence to honor Tevin, which of course brought tears to Torrey’s eyes.  Most expected Smith to have his mind elsewhere, but he had the game of his career.  Smith had 127 receiving yards and scored two touchdowns.  When he made it to the end zone he took a knee, said a prayer, and looked up to the sky.  It was a beautiful moment between Smith and his brother.


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