The shoe which has a chain and shackle type design is being compared to that worn by African American slaves. I would be willing to put money that that is not at all what Adidas had intended to portray when they designed the shoe. That is just a really ignorant interpretation of the shoe. Why is it not being compared to that of a chain gang? Maybe, it is all to publicize the shoe! I think they were just trying to make a new design and were not thinking how some might take it. Adidas teamed up with Jeremy Scott who has worked with the shoe brand in the past and has always created unique shoes. He was responsible for putting wings on sneakers. Most people say that they would still buy the shoe. I think the real controversy is that these shoes cost $350 and are not all that good looking!
Even when there is no controversy, there is controversy to be found. I am quite new to the whole “sneaker world”. Anyways, I came across the new sneaker that Adidas is pushing. The shoe comes out in August, but it is already causing an uproar.
i thought those shoes were pretty hot, overpriced, but pretty nice…As soon as people see a chain they a quick to yell slavery. It would be different if it had a motto that hinted at slavery