“Kenneth Bae did one thing,” Rodman said. “If you understand what Kenneth Bae did — do you understand what he did in this country?” He also said he would not discuss politics with his “friend” North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un.
The Bae family found his statement extremely out of line and hurtful. The next day, a video went viral showing Rodman serenading the dictator, singing Happy Birthday to him. His actions have shocked and appalled most Americans and made many question Rodman’s state of mind.
Before this situation got further out of hand, his publicist released the following apology:
“I want to apologize. I take full responsibility for my actions. It had been a very stressful day. Some of my teammates were leaving because of pressure from their families and business associates. My dream of basketball diplomacy was quickly falling apart. I had been drinking. It’s not an excuse but by the time the interview happened I was upset. I was overwhelmed. It’s not an excuse, it’s just the truth. I’m very sorry. At this point I should know better than to make political statements. I’m truly sorry.”
Should alcohol be a reasonable excuse for his insensitive remarks? Do you believe Dennis Rodman is truly sorry for his remarks or is this just a way for his team to get the spotlight off of him?