While Chicago fans may be upset that their star player is not yet ready to return, they can rejoice in knowing that he is willing to help a family in need. Being a father, Derrick Rose has learned just how much love a child can bring a person. When he heard about the story about little Jonylah Watkins, he wanted to help out the family in such a dark time. Jonylah was shot five times and killed while her father changed her diaper inside a minivan. Her father, Jonathan, was the target at the time, but was only shot once and managed to survive, Jonylah was only six months old. The worst part is that the shooter has not been identified. Rose has extended a hand and offered to pay for the little girl’s funeral. He has not publicly discussed his offer, but has previously commented about the high rate of violence in Chicago. The shooting is said to be gang related. RIP Jonylah.