This is becoming a serious concern for future players who know their future in the league is coming to an end sooner than later. So how do we prevent future tragedies like that of Andre Watters and Mike Webster? Is there a way to prevent players from getting concussions in such a physical sport? Well, if we want to keep the game as exciting as it is then no. So is it the players fault since they know what they are signing up for? I am sure most people would not allow their sons to go into the NFL then. Does this mean we banish the NFL entirely? Maybe the league should spend more time looking into the effects of concussions, but how is that going to help players currently struggling? It doesn’t, so it seems that we are stuck in a Catch 22 because no one wants to get rid of football, but no one wants to see their heroes fall. So what do we do?
Great article! Totally agree with the idea that you cannot stop football from being played but you can definitely learn more about concussions, mental illness and depression. All leagues must provide education, support, resources, counselling to their players. Checkout nflfemale.com The #1 NFL site for women. Let’s protect our heroes!
Thanks so much!! Your site is awesome!! I love the whole layout.