Here we are, Memorial Day Weekend just ended and everyone realizes their summer body is not even close to being ready. Everyone frantically starts googling what they can do in like the next 36 hours. Unfortunately there is no quick fix solution (sad face).
However, let’s explore some of the ways of eating that are undoubtedly filling up your timelines. I don’t want to use the phrase “diet”. As we all know, a “diet” is hard to stick to, and as soon as you veer from said diet, any weight that you lost usually comes right back.
We’ve all been there, right? TBT to when my work friends and I did some vegetable smoothie diet we saw on Dr. Oz.. I even brought a blender to use on my desk. One by one we threw in the towel and went to Panera.
We’ve all seen the success of the “Keto Guido” so Keto is what everyone is doing now. Before that, everyone was all about Paleo, and I’m sure you know someone who every January does a Whole 30 (usually Karen from accounting, amirite?). So what should you do?
As I said, there is no quick fix. I am not opposed to the Whole 30 in general. I actually like a lot of the food on this meal plan. However, I would recommend you take on a long lasting way of eating. Keto, Paleo, and Whole 30 often get grouped together because they all have one thing in common: eliminating processed foods, grains, and sugars.
In fact, many elite athletes have adopted this way of eating: Grant Hill attributes his Paleo lifestyle for allowing him to play basketball at a high level into his 40s. A Paleo style diet is associated with a reduction of inflammation in the body, allowing him to sustain the grueling NBA seasons.
In the summer of 2014, LeBron even dabbled in the keto-sphere, taking on a 67 day mental challenge. The final result of the challenge was a slimmer Bron Bron.
We will eventually get into the science of each one, and discuss recipes and workouts to go with this way of eating. I will leave you with one (grain free chicken) nugget today. If you have not started working on your summer body yet, start by eliminating some processed grains. I bet you will feel better and have more energy!
Follow me on instagram: @squatsandplates.. Have a great summer everyone!