Winston was facing felony charges of sexual assault after a woman came forward and accused the quarterback of having sex with her without her consent. The story did not go public until nearly a year after the incident occurred and the media uncovered the report. This forced the state of Florida to launch a full investigation into the matter. His DNA was found on the woman’s underwear, but Winston claimed the pair had sexual intercourse, but it was consensual.
Florida State Attorney held a press conference to announce that there was not enough evidence to charge the quarterback. The press conference was extremely unprofessional and featured Meggs making jokes while revealing his decision. It made the entire case look like a joke, while a young woman was victimized all over again. Allegedly the Tallahassee police told the victim not to pursue charges initially because no one would believe her because this was a football town, even more disturbing. No word on how much she is seeking or who she is specifically looking to go after. Her attorney did say she “wants heads to roll”.