Photo Credit: Dan Hickling/Olean Times Herald
The word going around the hockey community is that Mandalay Sports Media has acquired the rights to John Scott’s life story and will be transforming it into a big screen film. The company has Mitch Albom, Detroit Free Press writer and author of Tuesdays with Morrie, as well as other popular novels, come on board to pen the film’s script.
When Albom first discussed Scott’s situation, he described it as being “like a Disney movie” and was immediately interested in the details of his story. The film will be produced by Mike Tollin and Jon Weinbach, but Albom will serve as the executive producer, as well as the screenwriter.
The film will follow the story of Scott, the 6’8 enforcer who was voted into the 2016 NHL All-Star Game by the fans, only to be traded and sent down to the AHL by a frustrated NHL in their attempt to keep him out. He didn’t withdrew, however, and later left the All-Star Game on the shoulders of his teammates with two goals, a new car, and the title of MVP.
Scott’s story has become one of the most talked about this season, and he’s become a very beloved player to the fans and the league. This story has warranted a lot of talk, among the fans, the players, and the league. It is no surprise that this story will be brought to the big screen. Many players have said that Scott’s presence at the All-Star Game reminded them of why they loved hockey so much to begin with, and this year’s All-Star Game has been called the new favorite by fans and players alike. Once he returned to his new team, the St.John’s IceCaps, his wife gave birth to their twins girls.
So far, it has been the Year of John Scott, and he still receives much support from his teammates and fans. Scott’s story won’t be forgotten and now with a movie in the works, it will be immortalized forever. The only thing to look forward to now is who might be cast in the film, and, who gets to play hero John Scott?