
Photo Credit: Visinsky/Icon SM

Just when we all thought society had made progress towards accepting others, somebody drags us back.  Lobbyist Jack Burkman has stated that he is looking to try and pass legislation banning gay players from playing in the NFL.   This comes just weeks after Michael Sam’s announcement that he was openly gay and wanted to play in the NFL.  For awhile it seemed that everyone was willing to accept Sam for who he was and just analyze him as a football player.

However, life can never be that simple.  Burkman made these deplorable remarks to back up his stance, “We are losing our decency as a nation.  Imagine your son being forced to shower with a gay man.  That’s a horrifying prospect for every mom in the country.  What in the world has this nation come to?”

We are losing our decency as a nation because of ignorant thoughts like this.  To honestly think that a gay player would try and rape a teammate is absolutely disgusting and anyone with half a brain knows how ridiculous that sounds.  If Burkman or anyone who thinks his feelings are “correct”, please go ask any of Sam’s teammates at Missouri who shared a locker room with him for years and never once said he made them feel uncomfortable.

It is sad to know that people still think like this in 2014, but hopefully having Sam be drafted in the NFL, people will become more accepting.  This is the type of thinking that proves just how brave Michael Sam is for letting his sexual orientation be known  I truly hope this does not deter Sam or any other player from living out their dreams of being a professional athlete.


  1. WHERE is this lobbyist from? Please tell me it is Arizona … PLEASE!!

    1. Unfortunately, he is from Washington DC.

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