BZsnp1GCIAE6s5q.jpg-largeOn the anniversary of the most embarrassing play in NFL history, you would think Mark Sanchez would lay low.  Of course that is not what happens lucky for us.  One year after the infamous “buttfumble”, Mark Sanchez re-emerged looking just as ridiculous as he did in that game against the New England Patriots.  The quarterback is now rocking corn rows and looks like a cross between Randy Moss back when he played for the Patriots and singer Sean Paul. While, nothing is surprising when it comes to Mark Sanchez, this hair style was not by choice.  Instead, he explained on his Instagram account that he lost a bet to some of the other Jets players.  Oh Mark, always the butt of everyone’s jokes (yes, the pun was intended).Screen shot 2013-11-22 at 2.39.40 PM

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