One of the signs that baseball is upon us, is photo day!  While most players hate it, others embrace it and have fun with it!  Here are some of my favorites from this year.
Derek Holland- At least someone is excited for baseball to start [maybe a little too excited]!

Derek Holland- At least someone is excited for baseball to start [maybe a little too excited]!

Jeff Karstens- Don't look too excited for baseball to start

Jeff Karstens- Don’t look too excited for baseball to start

Marco Scutaro- Doing his best impression of a naughty school girl

Marco Scutaro- Doing his best impression of a naughty school girl

Mark Weidemaier-  Someone must have just told him about the Justin Upton deal

Mark Weidemaier- Someone must have just told him about the Justin Upton deal

Jayson Werth- Chewbacca has been found!

Jayson Werth- Chewbacca has been found!