Mihlfeld issued the following statement, “I haven’t even talked to Jack Clark in close to 10 years. His statements are simply not true. I have known Albert Pujols since he was 18 years old, and he would never use illegal drugs in any way. I would bet my life on it and probably drop dead on the spot if I found out he has. As before, once again both Albert and myself have been accused of doing something we didn’t do.”
Pujols went a step further and threatened legal action against Clark. Pujols, who is currently on the disabled list, released his own statement, “I am going to send a message that you cannot act in a reckless manner, like they have, and get away with it. If I have to be the athlete to carry the torch and pave the way for other innocent players to see that you can do something about it, I am proud to be that person. I have five young children and I take being a role model very seriously. The last thing I want is for the fans, and especially the kids out there, to question my reputation and character.”
The radio station, WGNU 920 AM, has also decided to distance themselves from Clark and has fired him. Rumors had long floated around that Pujols was using steroids, but it was never proven and he still has yet to test positive in a drug test. While many Cardinals fans want to believe that their beloved first baseman was clean while he played for them, it is hard to believe any player after the Biogenesis scandal. Pujols seems to have taken a firm stance against these allegations, but then again, so did Ryan Braun.