nfl_a_gleason_600Can’t say that it comes as much of a surprise.  The radio hosts from “Mayhem in the AM” who took a stab at New Orleans Saints former player Steve Gleason have all been fired.  Gleason suffers from ALS and as an attempt to get laughs the shock jocks thought it would be funny to make fun of the way he talks.  Gleason lost the ability to speak and now uses a computer to type with his eyes that speaks for him.  The jokes were in extremely poor taste and nobody was laughing.  After major backlash, the radio station has fired those involved.  One of the hosts, Nick Cellini, has posted the following on his Twitter:

Screen shot 2013-06-17 at 6.41.14 PMScreen shot 2013-06-17 at 6.41.16 PMThe apology sounds phony and shows the ignorance of some people in this world.  The firing was deserved and the group should take some time and spend time with people suffering from ALS.  Learn how hard their struggle is to do every day tasks and why that joke was one of the most insensitive things ever done on the radio.


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