Even though baseball season is sadly over for now and the Dodgers did not win the World Series, they have Alanna Rizzo on their payroll, so it can’t be too bad for them. As a host and reporter for the Dodgers, Rizzo is living many peoples’ dreams and it looks like she won’t be giving it up anytime. She is a perfect example of a woman in a man’s world and like many before her, she has broken barriers for other women.
One thing that many do not realize about Rizzo is that she did not actually plan to become a sports reporter. She had originally planned on using her undergraduate degree in international business before deciding to go back to get her M.A. in broadcast journalism. After receiving her degree, Rizzo would hold many jobs before becoming the Dodgers’ reporter such as a sports anchor in Texas and Wisconsin before moving to Root Sports Rocky Mountain where she would receive Emmys for her work there. Eventually, she would move to the MLB Network before getting her job with the Dodgers.
Rizzo’s work with the Dodgers is not the only reason why she is such an important figure. She is single-handedly trying to dismantle the stereotypes and stigma that comes with being a female in sports media. One of the biggest stereotypes is being labeled “eye candy” as Rizzo refers to it as, “I’m aware that looks are important for a woman on sports television, and there have been too many women who have gained initial TV popularity by smiling and dressing somewhat provocatively.” While she has a friendly relationship with the people she interviews, Rizzo is not afraid to stand up for what she believes in or state her opinion which she did during her tenure at Root Sports Rocky Mountain.
Rizzo also knows the value of trying to influence female journalists even more and one way that she achieved that is by inviting them to the studio to talk with them. Instead of painting an unrealistic picture for the girls, Rizzo told them the gritty and less talked about side of being a sports reporter. Rizzo brought up the oldest stereotype in the book for female sports reporters, “People immediately assume she doesn’t know what she’s talking about… and is not necessarily qualified to speak on the subject” which she has begun to debunk herself.
However, the biggest takeaway from Rizzo’s talk was having an amazing work ethic. She explained that having a good work ethic and attitude is what is going to earn respect from colleagues and that having a social media presence is important but not being afraid to block people. Rizzo is one of the few female sports reporters who actually sticks up for what she believes in and isn’t afraid to speak out on important issues and her involvement with young female journalists is why she deserves to be in the spotlight even more.