In order to try and fix their mistake by signing Rodriguez for this long, New York has welcomed back a familiar face. Former Yankee Alfonso Soriano was traded from the Cubs this morning for a lower tier pitching prospect. Soriano is a great acquisition for the Yankees as he adds power to a depleted lineup and has experience handling the New York media. The Yankees can only hope that his personality can distract from the Rodriguez scandal. While that seems nearly impossible as both sides continue to add fuel to this fire.
While there is clearly a lot of turmoil between Rodriguez and the Yankees, they appear to be trying to slow this media storm down by saying that Rodriguez has accepted the Yankees rehab plan. A-Rod’s return date is now set for August 1st, pending any suspension from MLB. While they may be trying to do damage control now, everyone can tell it is all for show. Just yesterday, Rodriguez called in to Mike Francesca where he was asked if he “trusts” the Yankees. Rodriguez refused to answer the question and it was clear what the answer was. While the Yankees still look into punishment for Rodriguez getting a second opinion, it is clear why he does not trust them.
This drama has only just begun as A-Rod has made it clear that he has no intentions of going away as quickly as Ryan Braun. Rodriguez plans to appeal any suspension handed down by MLB, meaning the Yankees may be stuck paying out his contract. My question to Yankees fans: Is the Alex Rodriguez contract the worst in Yankees history?