roy-hibbert-sadAfter last night’s game 6 in Indiana, Roy Hibbert made a big mistake that is costing him a lot of money.  During a post game interview, the Pacers center used the term “no homo” when asked about defending Lebron James. Hibbert also referred to the media as “m*ther f*ckers”, but that was clearly less significant as the media are used to being harassed.   Hibbert immediately knew it was a dumb thing to say and that he would face disciplinary actions.  While some thought he would be suspended for the pivotal game 7 in Miami, instead he was hit with a $75,000 fine.

While many find the fine excessive, it only proves David Stern’s point that there will be zero tolerance of homophobia.  The NBA, along with other major sports, are trying to spread acceptance and by allowing players to use phrases like this it only sets them back.  Acceptance is a major issue in this country especially in professional sports.  Not saying that athletes are homophobic, but there is a stigma that they are.

While Hibbert’s comment was not directed at anyone, by setting down a precedent, Commissioner Stern has shown players that it will cost them a lot of money to be ignorant.  The punishment will also allow more players to feel comfortable with their sexuality in knowing that discrimination will not be tolerated.  It may seem unfair to make Hibbert an example, but it had to happen.  If he faced no punishment, then Jason Collins coming out of the closet would have been in vain.

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